Workshop Fun with Floats: Several different ways to tame floats on the back of a stranded colourwork project (SOLD OUT)
We all get floats on the back (and also on the front) of our knitting when we work with multiple strands of yarn on given row/round. Usually these floats are kept on the private side of the fabric as with the case of stranded colourwork knitting, but sometimes the floats can also be decorative, such as when working Latvian braids, slipped stitch patterns, and tuck stitch patterns.
Have you ever wondered why you have to hold the contrasting yarn to the left of the main colour yarn when knitting a colourwork pattern? There are knitters who talk about colour dominance all the time and some never do … why is that? How often should you “trap” the float? Is it always 5-7 stitches, and who came up with that number? What are the other ways to tack down the floats and do we always have to trap the floats? …
Let’s have some fun with the floats together and find out the answers to those questions!
In this class, the various ways (weaving, twisting, locking, and laddering) to manage floats when knitting stranded colour work and how the resulting fabrics differ from one another will be explained, demonstrated, and discussed. Some tips on how to keep the floats neat and even will also be given.
Participants must have a basic understanding of how the stranded colourwork (or fair isle knitting) is usually worked and have worked on projects that require knitting using more than one colour per row/round.
- Following and working off a colourwork chart
- Being able to work with 2 colours on a single round at the same time (holding the yarns one in each hand, both in the right hand, or both in the left hand)
- Worsted or Aran weight yarn in 2 different colours, 25 g each or more
- 80 cm wooden or bamboo circular needles; 4.5 mm or 5 mm
Here you can read about Valerie Ng.
Experience: advanced
Pre-requisite: Participants should have worked and completed at least one project in the round with a basic understanding of colouwork charts and colour change in knitting.
Date: Saturday October 14th from 13:30 until 16:30.
Location: Suyderseezaal Workshopruimte 2
Language: English (deze workshop is Engelstalig).
Homework: No preparation required; list of material required will be sent after registration.
Max. participants: 12
Price: € 40,00 excluding an entrance ticket to visit the event (click on ‘Toegangskaart kopen’ below to buy tickets). SOLD OUT!!
Includes/Inclusief: Patterns as mentioned above, instructions.
Nederlandse Breidagen Zwolle
13 & 14 oktober 2023