We work with 2 colors and start making a small project. You learn how to let the wires run, how to distribute the tension well and get tips on reading patterns and knitting the Fair Isle.
You receive a pattern to continue with at home. Of course Puk shows many examples and you can ask plenty of questions.
You will receive wool to work with during the workshop.
Experience: you can well knit in the round
Read here information about Puk Vossen.
Date: Friday 3 May 2019 from 10:00 to 13:00 and saturday 4 May 2019 from 13:30 to 16:30
Location: Workshopruimte 3
Language: Dutch
Homework: No
What to bring: Circulars 3.5mm in 80 or 100 cm length or sockneedles
Max. number of participants: 12
Price: Early bird pre-sale € 35.00 including a dayticket to the Festival (click on ‘Buy your ticket’ below). The price at the register € 39.50 including entrance to the Festival
What’s indcluded: The pattern, yarn to work with, a Dutch Knitting Festival notebook and a pen, during class we serve coffee or tea with something sweet