
Het leukste event voor breien en haken

Chrissie Day – Moebius Class

When you knit a möbius in one continuous row of stitches, you then have beautiful patterns emerging naturally and symmetrically from the centre out, with very little effort or attention on your part. Choosing to use more than one colour and choosing the correct stitch design which creates a two-faced design just enhances the natural flow and symmetry which emerges.

Since you have only one edge to finish, you’ll never have a cast-off side tighter than the cast-on, and you’ll never see your cast-on at all, because it’s swallowed up in the centre of the scarf.

But most of all, and this is hard to explain, there is a simple utter joy allowing the true möbius to emerge and do all the work for you. You’ll have to find this out for yourself, by learning to prepare and cast on your möbius learning to calculate the correct number of stitches to the ply you have chosen to use and the length and number of wraps your möbius cowl / scarf will have.

We will cover 3 different cast on methods in this class and look at many different stitch designs.

Here you can read the bio of Chrissie Day.

Date: Friday 11 May 2018 from 10:00 to 13:00 and Saturday 12 May 2018 from 13:30 to 16:30
Location: Workshopruimte 5
Language: English
Homework: No
What to bring: Yarn of your choice in any ply, needles: size to suit your yarn choice but they must be circular with a length of 47″ to 60″ plus a circular of 40″
Max. number of participants: 12
Price: Early bird pre-sale € 59.00 including a dayticket to the Festival (click on ‘Buy your ticket’ below). The price at the register € 69.00 including entrance to the Festival.
Including: You will receive a pattern book to take home to cover further designs, a Dutch Knitting Festval notebook and pen. During class we serve coffee or tea with something sweet.