
Het leukste event voor breien en haken

Berthi Smith – Knitting at the Burgerweeshuis in Amsterdam

The orphans who lived in the Orphanage of Amsterdam got a good handicraft education. Of course it did nog lacked any knitting. Unfortunately, only little knitted fabric is preserved and therefore there is only little known about how they were knitting in the orphanage.

When I was worksing on my book ‘Merk- en stoplappen uit het Burgerweeshuis Amsterdam’ a few years ago, I found to my great surprise some knitted stockings and a hat on ‘Marktplaats’. They said it was made in the Burgerweeshuis of Amsterdam. I bought the knitted pieces, trying to get more information through the vendor; the fabric finally came from his family. Unfortunately I did not get much further so I had no time to devote a chapter in my book on this beautiful knitting. The knitting faded in the background. 2015 was an exhibition of the discussion brand and stop rags from my book and knitting scheduled in the Historical Museum Bevelanden at Goes. Yet once again I tried to make contact with the seller of the fabric with the end result that the orphan girl was found after an extensive search.

In my reading this orphan will take center stage and come to ‘life’. By means of a PowerPoint presentation I will tell her way to the orphanage after she left the orphanage. I will bring her beautiful knitting so that you can admire it up close. Move forward among other documents and instructions ‘breimatres’ past and images of knitting orphan girls. … And how important is the ‘breimatres’?

Berthi Smith gives this lecture only once on Saturday. There may be 50 people (full = full) will listen and watch for free.

Here you will find the weblog of Berthi Smith.

Saturday October 21, 2017 from 14:00 until 15:00 uur
Location: Suyderse 1
The entrance for the lectures is free for visitors of the Dutch Knitting Festval, buy your e-ticket below


